Brain Health Boost

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How To Boost Your Brain Health By Eating Right And Exercising We all know that eating healthy and exercising is essential for our physical health, but did you know that they are also crucial for our mental health? This post will discuss the benefits of eating right and exercising and how they can help boost your brain health. There is no doubt that eating healthy and exercising is essential for our physical health. They help us maintain a healthy weight, avoid diseases, and improve our overall fitness. But did you know that they are also crucial for our mental health?

According to the American Psychological Association, “physical activity has been associated with improved mood and cognitive function, including memory and cognitive flexibility” (“The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise”). In addition, research has shown that people who exercise have lower rates of anxiety and depression. However, these benefits are not limited to physically active people; even people who only exercise moderately benefit from their mental health.

1. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.

When it comes to keeping our brains healthy, eating right is vital. According to the Mayo Clinic, a diet high in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low in processed foods can help protect the brain from diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Additionally, eating foods high in antioxidants can help keep your brain functioning at its best.

Step 2: Exercise and Strength Training Improve brain health

Physical activity has improved mood and cognitive function, including memory and cognitive flexibility. Even people who only exercise moderately have benefited from their mental health. So why is it so important to keep our brains active? Exercise helps us release endorphins, which are hormones that make us feel good. It also helps us improve our brain function by increasing blood flow and oxygen levels in the brain.

Regular exercise has also offered many benefits for mental health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), regular physical activity can reduce the risk of developing depression, improve moods, decrease stress levels, and increase feelings of well-being. Additionally, exercise will improve cognitive function in adults age 50 or older.

Step 3: Good and Steady Sleep Improve Brain Health

Sleep is essential for both our mental and physical health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, rest is necessary for the body to repair and regenerate tissues, create new memories, regulate moods, control stress levels, and make decisions. But unfortunately, many people don’t get enough sleep. The National Sleep Foundation reports that more than 50% of Americans sleep less than seven hours per night.

Step 4: Start a Strength Program to improve Brain Health.

Strength training helps you maintain your muscle mass and positively impacts your cognitive function. According to a study published in the journal “PLoS One,” people who participated in a strength training program had better memory and cognitive function than those who didn’t. Exercising and eating right can help improve moods, decrease stress levels, and increase feelings of well-being. In addition, strength training will significantly improve cognitive function in adults aged 50 or older. By following these tips, you can help keep your brain healthy and vibrant well into old age!

Want to learn more about how to incorporate Strength specific cognitive exercises into your routine, contact our Advanced Fitness staff


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