There are a few different things that can cause shoulder pain. One common culprit is arthritis, a disease that affects the joints. If you have arthritis, your shoulder may hurt when you do everyday activities like lifting weights or carrying groceries. Other causes of shoulder pain include rotator cuff injuries caused by overuse or inflammation of the rotator cuff muscles and tendons. Finally, carpal tunnel syndrome can also cause pain in the shoulder.
How to Cure Shoulder Pain?
If you have arthritis, rotator cuff injuries, or carpal tunnel syndrome, you’ll likely need to see a doctor to get treated. But if you have occasional shoulder pain from time to time, there are some things that you can do on your own to ease the pain.
1. Ice the Shoulder: When your shoulder hurts, taking some ice packs and applying them to the area can help reduce the inflammation and pain. Make sure to wrap the ice packs in a cloth or shirt so that it doesn’t stick to your skin.
2. Take Painkillers: If your shoulder hurts bad, taking ibuprofen or other painkillers may help ease the discomfort. However, don’t take too many of these medications – too much can lead to addiction or other
If you think you might have a shoulder injury, it’s essential to get medical help. A doctor can diagnose and treat your condition with injections, surgery, or physical therapy. However, if your shoulder pain isn’t severe and doesn’t last more than a
5 Ways to Fix Shoulder Pain on Your Own
1. Take a Hot Bath: Taking a hot bath may help to relax the muscles and relieve the pressure from your shoulder problem. Add some Epsom salts to the bathwater before soaking up the warmth.
2. Massage the area: If your shoulder hurts a lot and doesn’t seem to respond well to ice packs and painkillers, you might want to try massaging the site yourself. Apply gentle pressure with your hands and use long, smooth strokes down the arm.
3. Get shoulder exercises: Exercise can help relieve tension in the muscles and tendons around your shoulder, reducing pain. Try doing some simple activities like stretching or lifting weights at home.
4. Take breaks: If you’re constantly using your shoulder muscles to compensate for pain, they’ll wear down over time. Take regular intervals so you can let the muscles rest and heal.
5. See a doctor: If your pain doesn’t go away or if it gets worse, see a doctor. A doctor can diagnose and treat your condition with injections, surgery, or physical therapy. If the pain persists after rest and rehabilitation, the individual may have a rotator cuff tear. If the pain persists despite appropriate rest and rehab, it could be an indication that there is a rotator cuff tear.
There are a few cases in which pain can persist even after treatment. If you experience any of the following, see a doctor:
1. You have persistent pain that doesn’t respond to over-the-counter medications or sports activities
2. You have difficulty moving your shoulder or arm
3. You develop more persistent pain on one side of your shoulder than the other
4. You have persistent redness, swelling, or heat around your shoulder
Shoulder injuries are painful if not treated early. Exercising and improving range of motion s the best way to prevent future injuries. Our trainers are qualified to recommend what exercises and stretches are needed to stay pain-free.
Address: 527 Maple Avenue E, Suite 202 Vienna, VA, 22180
Phone: 703 624 9621